UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Organization

Aethiopien, © Florian Gaertner
UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Organization
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization was established in 1966.
The currently 169 Member States of UNIDO meet every two years at the General Conference. In the intervals, the other supervisory bodies, i.e. Industrial Development Board (IDB) and Programme and Budget Committee (PBC) meet alternately. Germany has been a member of all decision-making bodies since UNIDO became a specialized agency in 1985.
The Organization concentrates on supporting developing countries in the establishment of a sustainable and environmentally sound economic structure.
In 1997, the General Conference of UNIDO agreed – mainly on the initiative of Germany and the EU – upon a comprehensive organizational reform comprising a business plan outlining priority tasks, and a simplified administrative structure. These efforts of reforming UNIDO were continued with the adoption of the Lima Declaration where the mandate of UNIDO was further sharpened, now focusing on „Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development, ISID.
The priority task is the provision of technical assistance in three areas: promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises, activities in environment and climate protection, and trade promotion by capacity building (e.g. furthering the ability to comply with norms and standards).
UNIDO acts as implementing body for projects of the Montreal Protocol (climate protection) and the Global Environment Fund (GEF).
A Member State of the Organization since 1966, Germany actively participates in the programmatic and substantive work of the UNIDO in close coordination with its European partners.
Following Japan and China, Germany is the third largest donor country to the Organization.
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The Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation (BMZ) provides additional information:
UNIDO Meetings schedule
Updated and annotated calendar of UNIDO Events: