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IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency

IAEA Laboratories Seibersdorf, © Permanent Mission
The IAEA was established in 1957 as an independent intergovernmental organization which closely relates to the UN system regarding its structure and procedures. The Agency reports to the UN General Assembly regularly and has the duty to inform the Security Council directly in case of a detected threat to the world peace (Statute, Article III B 4).
The tasks of the IAEA rest on four pillars: |
- Nuclear safety and security |
- Verification and safeguards |
- Nuclear technology |
-Technical cooperation |
Nuclear safety and security
The Agency implements programmes to improve the safety of nuclear facilities and provides a forum for the development of international standards in this area. Also, the IAEA works for the physical protection (security) of nuclear material against misuse and illicit trafficking.
Verification and Safeguards
The Agency controls the use and verifies the stocks of nuclear material in the framework of safeguards agreements concluded with its member states. Thereby the IAEA wants to confirm that the controlled facilities serve exclusively peaceful purposes.
Nuclear Technology
The IAEA contributes worldwide to the peaceful use of nuclear power by numerous symposia and coordinated research contracts, databases as well as comprehensive activities in documentation and publication. The Agency supports the international cooperation and harmonization in the regulatory area for the use of nuclear power.
Technical Cooperation
The IAEA assists developing countries inter alia in the fields of human and veterinary medicine, water management, production and supply of food, as well as agriculture by means of expert assignments, scholarships, training courses and, if necessary, supply with Equipment.
Structure of the IAEA
IAEA programmes and budgets are set through the decisions of the IAEA's policy-making bodies: the 35-member Board of Governors and the General Conference of all 177 Member States. The General Conference meets annually, typically in September. The Board of Governors meets five times per year - in March and June, twice in September (before and after the General Conference), and again in November.
German representation in the IAEA
Germany became a member of the organization in its foundation year in 1956, and has been participating continually in the work of the Board of Governors as a designated member since 1972. Following the United States, Japan and China, Germany is the fourth largest donor country to the overall budget of the IAEA. In addition, Germany provides voluntary contributions to the IAEA, mainly to support international cooperation projects in the field of nuclear security, and to modernize the IAEA research laboratories in Seibersdorf („ReNuAL“). IAEA's 2.300 staff members also manage additional voluntary payments by various member states, and the Technical Assistance Fund for developing countries.
Contact IAEA
IAEA in the World Wide Web
IAEO-Laboratories in Seibersdorf and Vienna

The IAEA Laboratories are a focal point for research and international cooperation in the application of nuclear techniques.
The tasks of the Laboratories are manifold, ranging from radiation measurements and the training of scientists to sustainable development for the environment. One of the successful Laboratory projects focuses on tsetse fly eradication techniques.