OPEC - Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Operating oil and gas well in oil field, profiled against the blue sky., © picture alliance / Zoonar
OPEC - Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was founded in Baghdad in 1960, with headquarters in Vienna and Algeria, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Saudi-Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Venezuela as member states. OPEC's main objectives as set out in its statute are price stability and regular consultations of all Member States on common production and market policies. The Oil ministers of OPEC Member States agree on Common guidelines regarding production policies and quotas at regular meetings in Vienna.
Contact the OPEC Secretariat:
OPEC in the world wide web:
OPEC and the OPEC Fund for International Cooperation are located in Vienna:
German Energy Policy:
For more information visit the homepage of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, section “Conventional energy sources”: